
New begin in 2019

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"The web page is too difficult to use!" This is the feedback that my friends have given me, and it's time to update the page.

In this update, standardized API documentation will be provided for easy use.

The old web page was built with WordPress and is a great tool.

WordPress needs to use my personal server resources, but the server is often used for project development, which has a great impact on everyone's usual use of web pages. It is very unfriendly. Pages need to be migrated.


The new web page will be built using Docusaurus V1. Since Node.js and JavaScript are not specialized content I've studied, this was a challenge. There will be some shortcomings in the newly launched website, and I will try to improve it.

新的网页将使用Docusaurus V1进行建立。由于Node.js以及JavaScript都不是我学习过的专业内容,这是一个挑战,新上线的网页会有一些不足之处,我将努力改善。